Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Welcome to the official blog for the English class!

Promoting a travel agency
Make a commercial about a travel agency. You have to promote your company using the
following instructions:

  • Create a name for your travel agency
  • Mention what do you offer as a company and what are your best destinations
  • Use Brainshark, Prezi, Youtube or any other software that can help you to share and track and online video presentation
  • Use vocabulary related to unit 4 “Let’s go!”

Aspects to be evaluated: Grammar and Pronunciation, vocabulary, team work, visual aid and creativity
Write a brief entry to present your commercial. For example: Hello everybody! this is our commercial, we are sure  you will enjoy it!

Sample videos:

Remember that you have to upload your videos by Monday 20 till 6.00 pm 

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